The foreign mercenaries hired by the CIA quickly find themselves vastly outnumbered against a country-backed military group, with much more firepower than imagined. The soundscape comes with a complex array of effects, utilizing every speaker channel to reproduce the sound of heavy arms and explosions that constantly bombard your room at almost every turn of the movie. Quieter scenes recreate the sound of panicked movements, dialogue and breaths of these mercenaries, as they struggle to complete the mission and fight on for their survival.
Taxi Driver (1976) (R)
00:25 - 10:57
Recognized as one of the movie’s most memorable scenes, the surround sound in this opening is just as iconic. The percussion dominates before the sultry saxophone sneaks from your left and right to steal the limelight of the front surround channels. The dialog is accompanied by ambient chatters and atmospheric sounds that articulates the sonic environment of the space the character is in. The flawless transition between an echoey and busy taxi garage to the open street is one of our go-tos if you want to test for surround spaciousness. What really impresses is how artfully the background music sneaks up ever so slightly from the surround speakers to maintain the mood, and even when it isn’t playing, your ears remember them throughout.
Zodiac (R)
00:18 – 5:40
A conversation starter since its release a decade ago, this movie is just as good a surround sound conversational piece. Right from the beginning, it softly introduces familiar Fourth of July celebratory fireworks in the background as you cruise down the street. Environmental sounds such as cricket calls and busy drive-in, transit effortlessly within the channels of your speakers as the car checks in at different places. You might jump from the firecrackers that are thrown towards you. Tension is felt through the portrayal of another car’s movement and screeching, in and out, front and back, within your surround speakers. Before you know it, bullets will hit right at your chest and the feel-good car music will then creepily take over your main speakers.