Dolby Atmos

A Complete System at the Most Reasonable Price

A Complete System at the Most Reasonable Price

“… Real 3D sound and for my home theater, I got so many compliments … Either you hear a drop of water or an entire waterfall on this system, you literally can feel the real-life intense sound that was never experienced before … I got to complete watching Avengers: End Game but because I’m feeling every word, background score … ”

- NicPic

Best Soundbar for the Money

Best Soundbar for the Money

“… Once Dolby Atmos and DTS X were available, it became a whole different animal. It brought new life to my movie-watching experience. Sounds being naturally reproduced in the direction they would appear to come from made me turn to look back behind me quite a few times!

- Ziaudin Mufti

Ever been on a starship or in a firefight?

Ever been on a starship or in a firefight?

“… Never knew what it was like to be on a starship, but not only heard it but felt it. Have not been in a firefight for over 50 years, but this system and Atmos put me there again. I was totally blown away by the sound all around meHacksaw Ridge became real, so don’t close your eyes if you don’t want to go there …”

- pat n mike